Carpet Denim (CD)
Tijuana Panthers

Amoeba Review
The turn of the decade garage rock boom may have ended years ago, but Tijuana Panthers don’t care. They started cranking out their primitive rock ‘n roll blast long before it was cool (well…cool again), and they’re liable to be going strong for the inevitable next one, as well. These three Long Beach lifers only know one gear, and they’ve easily become one of the best and most authentic groups to play this garage rock sound, full of chiming surf rock guitars, snotty vocals, and amphetamine backbeat. Carpet Denim is their 5th proper album, its grinning malapropism title projecting a gleeful ignorance that remains the band’s heart and soul. Trends may come and go, but rock ‘n roll will never die. Well, at least for as long as these 3 dudes have a say in it.