Currently Unavailable Artist: Shudder To Think
Genre: Rock
Release Date: 06/21/1991
Label: Dischord
Catalog Number: DIS55CD
Recording: Studio
Format: CD
Shudder To Think: Producer
Craig Wedren: Guitar, Mixing, Vocals
Harvey Birrell: Engineer
Paul Harding: Engineer
Wharton Tiers: Mixing
Mike Russell: Drums
Chris Matthews: Guitar
Chris Biando: Engineer, Mixing
Craig Wedren: Guitar, Mixing, Vocals
Harvey Birrell: Engineer
Paul Harding: Engineer
Wharton Tiers: Mixing
Mike Russell: Drums
Chris Matthews: Guitar
Chris Biando: Engineer, Mixing
Artist Releases
1987 (LP)
Shudder To ThinkTen-Spot (LP)
Shudder To ThinkGet Your Goat (CD)
Shudder To ThinkFirst Love, Last Rites [OST] (CD)
Shudder To Think - Pony Express Record (CD)
Shudder To ThinkFuneral At The Movies & Ten Spot (CD)
Shudder To ThinkIt Was Arson (7")
Shudder To ThinkPony Express Record (LP)
Shudder To Think - 50,000 B.C. (CD)
Shudder To Think
View More
Label Releases
Minor Threat (7")
Minor ThreatBed Maker (LP)
Bed MakerBasilisk (LP)
J. RobbinsOut Of Step Outtakes [Clear Vinyl] (7")
Minor Threat - DC Special (CD)
ScreamA Brief Moment In The Sun (LP)
SoulsideCareening (LP)
Hammered HullsThe Casual Dots (LP)
The Casual Dots - Sanguine Truth (LP)
The Casual DotsCoriky (LP)
CorikyCoriky (CD)
CorikyAnthropocosmic Nest (LP)
The Messthetics - View More
Funeral At The Movies & Ten Spot (CD)
Shudder To Think
