Gregg Araki’s Teen Apocalypse Signing
Amoeba Hollywood - September 24th @ 5:00pm
Amoeba Hollywood welcomes iconic filmmaker Gregg Araki, along with actors James Duval and Nathan Bexton, for a signing to celebrate the Criterion release of Gregg Araki’s Teen Apocalypse Trilogy Tuesday, September 24th at 5pm!
To attend the signing, purchase your copy of Gregg Araki’s Teen Apocalypse Trilogy (2-disc Blu-ray or 3-disc
Signing is limited to the Teen Apocalypse Trilogy purchased at Amoeba only. No outside or additional items please. 1 copy per person.
Gregg Araki’s Teen Apocalypse Trilogy:
Take the conventions of the American teen movie, transpose them to Los Angeles’s freaky fringes, anchor them in an unapologetic vision of sexual fluidity, and top it all off with heavy doses of Gen X disillusionment, gonzo violence, and hallucinogenic surrealism, and you’ll end up with something like these audacious transgressions from New Queer Cinema renegade Gregg Araki. Gleefully mixing slacker irony with raw sincerity, Godardian cool with punk scuzz, the savagely subversive, hormone-fueled films that make up the Teen Apocalypse Trilogy pushed 1990s indie cinema into bold new aesthetic realms, while giving blistering expression to adolescent rage and libidinal desire.