What's New

Drain - What's In My Bag?

Hardcore punk band Drain goes shopping at Amoeba San Francisco for some of their favorite punk, thrash, rock, hardcore, and hip-hop artists,

Unexpected Staff Picks 2023

Amoeba Hollywood staffers share some of their unexpected favorite releases from 2023.

Dogstar - What's In My Bag?

Bret Domrose, Rob Mailhouse & Keanu Reeves from Dogstar go shopping at Amoeba Hollywood and talk about some of their favorite artists.

Top Shoegaze Albums of 2023

Our resident shoegaze expert Brad has some recommendations for his favorite shoegaze releases of 2023.

Green Day Listening Events

Come hear "Saviors" before it's officially released at Amoeba SF & Amoeba Berkeley Jan 13 at 2pm and at Amoeba Hollywood Jan...

Wolfgang Van Halen - What's in My Bag?

Wolfgang Van Halen goes to Amoeba Hollywood and talks about Meshuggah, Blink-182, Turnstile, Nine Inch Nails & more.

Win Two Color Vinyl Reissues from Rhino +...

Every January, Rhino Records kicks off the new year with Start Your Ear Off Right, a series of limited edition color & black vinyl... View

50 Best Selling Albums of 2023

Our 50 best selling albums of 2023 are an eclectic bunch, representing a dynamic and diverse year in music.

Igorrr - What's In My Bag?

Gautier Serre and JB Le Bail from French black/death metal band Igorrr go record shopping at Amoeba San Francisco.

Brad's Top 50 Albums of 2023

Our taste-making indie buyer at Amoeba Hollywood has put the finishing touches on his list Top 50 Albums of 2023 list!

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