What's New

Zane Lowe - What's In My Bag?

Radio host, DJ & producer Zane Lowe goes shopping at Amoeba Hollywood and shares his deep knowledge and passion for music of all genres.

EarWax: An Amoeba Podcast

EarWax, Amoeba's first ever podcast, launches on Thursday, July 27th! Tune in every week on Spotify or Apple Podcast.

Greta Van Fleet - What's In My Bag?

Greta Van Fleet goes shopping at Amoeba Hollywood and shares some of their favorite music by Joni Mitchell, John Lee Hooker & more.

Madison McFerrin - What's In My Bag?

Madison McFerrin goes shopping at Amoeba SF and talks about some of her favorite albums by Erykah Badu, Radiohead, Beyonce & Jamiroquai.

Barbie: The Album Listening Parties

Amoeba Hollywood and San Francisco are having listening parties for Barbie: The Album, the soundtrack to Barbie: The Movie, July 19 at 5pm!

WAR - What's In My Bag?

Lonnie Jordan, the founding member of the legendary SoCal funk band WAR, goes shopping at Amoeba Hollywood.

Win An Amoeba Shopping Spree

We're giving one lucky local customer the chance to win a $100 shopping spree at any Amoeba location! Shop for vinyl, CDs, movies,... View

Win VIP Passes to the Head In the Clouds...

  Sweepstakes Rules Contest ends 7/18/2023 Contest entries are property of Amoeba Music One entry per person,... View

DOMi & JD BECK - What's In My Bag?

The virtuosic jazz duo DOMi & JD BECK go record shopping at Amoeba Hollywood and talk about some of their favorite artists.

4th of July Store Hours

Our stores have special hours on Tuesday, July 4th for the holiday.

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