Currently Unavailable Artist: The Plimsouls
Genre: Rock
Release Date: 2005
Label: Oglio
Catalog Number: OGL82030-2
Recording: Live
Format: CD
Artist Releases
Live! Beg Borrow & Steal: Octo (CD)
The Plimsouls - One Night In America (CD)
The PlimsoulsOne Night In America - Live! (CD)
The PlimsoulsKool Trash (CD)
The Plimsouls - Everywhere At Once (CD)
The PlimsoulsThe Plimsouls... Plus (Cassette)
The PlimsoulsThe Plimsouls...Plus (CD)
The Plimsouls(everywhere at once) [1983 Sealed ] (LP)
The Plimsouls - View More
Label Releases
They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! (LP)
Napoleon XIVThe Conducted Tom Lehrer (LP)
Tom LehrerFor God's Sake, Stop The Feces! (LP)
Napoleon XIVDamn Skippy (LP)
Lemon Demon - Nature Tapes [Handsome Mother Vinyl] (LP)
Lemon DemonRockingham (LP)
Nerf Herder - Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum (LP)
Tally HallView-Monster [Picture Disc] (LP)
Lemon DemonTeenage Gizzard [Cloudy Blue Vinyl] (LP)
King Gizzard And The Lizard WizardSlow Clap (LP)
Koo Koo Kanga Roo - View More