Currently Unavailable Artist: So Cow
Genre: Rock
Release Date: 09/16/2014
Label: Goner Records
Catalog Number: 104
Recording: Studio
Format: CD
Greg Saunier: Drums, Producer, Keyboards
Peter O'Shea: Drums
Tadgh Healy: Engineer
Ruan Van Vliet: Design
Junghwan Yang: Drawings, Text
Peter O'Shea: Drums
Tadgh Healy: Engineer
Ruan Van Vliet: Design
Junghwan Yang: Drawings, Text
Artist Releases
The Long Con (LP)
So CowThe Long Con (CD)
So CowMeaningless Friendly (LP)
So CowSo Cow (LP)
So Cow
Label Releases
Go The Hack [Remastered] (LP)
Cosmic PsychosPsyche-O-Billy (LP)
Bloodshot Bill2022 EP (LP)
Michael BeachCar Radio Jerome (LP)
Fred Lane - From The One That Cut You (LP)
Fred LaneBending The Golden Hour (LP)
Aquarian BloodGoblin Alert! (CD)
QuintronArchaeas (LP)
Archaeas - Get Loose Or Get Lost (LP)
Bloodshot Bill3 (LP)
Nots3 (CD)
NotsDrecksound (LP)
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