Gregg Araki is an American filmmaker and avid CD collector. In many of his films, he serves as director, writer, producer, and often editor, and he has consistently featured shoegaze music heavily in their soundtracks. He has directed nine films since his directorial debut in 1987 with Three Bewildered People in the Night. He...More
Gregg Araki is an American filmmaker and avid CD collector. In many of his films, he serves as director, writer, producer, and often editor, and he has consistently featured shoegaze music heavily in their soundtracks. He has directed nine films since his directorial debut in 1987 with Three Bewildered People in the Night. He created the "Teenage Apocalypse Trilogy" with his films Totally Fucked Up (1993), The Doom Generation (1995), and Nowhere (1997). Araki's eighth film, Mysterious Skin (2004), received extensive critical acclaim, including a nomination for Best Director from the Independent Spirit Awards and a win for the Jury Prize at the Bergen International Film Fest. His most recent film, Smiley Face (2007), was a stoner comedy starring Ana Farris.