Our Customers

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I refer to my weekly Saturday morning trip to the SF Amoeba as my music hajj. I like that I never know what I may find. Sometimes it's a release from some band that fell off most folks' radar (anyone remember Tad), other times it's the rare treasure that slips by the folks who price used items for the store. My best scores of the latter type was $10 for the rare "shelley" version of the Rolling Stones "Hot Rocks" and $10 for the recalled Pearl Jam Best Buy live CD called "Give Way". Score!

Amoeba Music, Hollywood is one of united states last great record stores. i meet Mike Patton in the store

Gloria Martinez

Introducing my kids, 9 and 7 y/o how to be a groupie. Amoeba Hollywood stage, family friendly and better than any main stage venue. Nickle Creek 2002 Amoeba Hollywood, my lucky kids were introduced to experience a "concert", butt up against the stage. Awe, the treat to spoil them with a small venue experience- the best! To this day, 8 years later- live music is a blast only if its orchestra or Amoeba!

Richard Swan

I recently got deeply into jazz, been slowly leading up to it for a long time. I'm still kind of Coltrane-centric, starting to dig deeper. I few months ago I bought a copy of the McCoy Tyner: Sahara LP, original pressing on Milestone and forgot to have the clerk open the disk at the counter. Got home, opened the packing tape seal, and inside the jacket is an original pressing of MCoy Tyner: Song for My Lady disc. Wasn't the one I was looking for, but it sounded great too! I hypothesized that someone mixed up the disc and jackets, and there was a copy of Song for my Lady back at the store with the Sahara disc inside. A week later I went in, talked to the guys at the used counter, went back to the bins, found a sealed copy of Song for my Lady, and brought it back for them to open and see if I was right. Anticipation ran high to see if my guess was correct. It felt like the climax of some boy-detective novel set in a record store. The short time it took to open the record felt like it took forever. I was Right! Both had yellow and brown original press Milestone labels, both were McCoy Tyner albums,both albums start with "S"; they were switched! The clerk was amazed and said, "That was like finding a needle in a haystack", which was a little generous, maybe it was like finding a lettered needle in an alphabetized haystack. I felt so good, I initiated a high five with the clerk, and he reciprocated. RECIPROCATED!This was a minor triumph I still like to think back upon. I would hereby like to offer my services for hire as an amateur vinyl-centric gumshoe sleuth of the happless-but-lucky variety. AMOEBA, hell yeah!

Have gotten great Jazz, lots of Dead and I discovered a whole world of classical music via the great staff. My home away from home!

Eric Schwerner
Eric Schwerner

I've been a dedicated Amoeba patron since the store opened in Hollywood. One day I walked in to look around and just happened to bump into Zach De La Rocha. I went up to Zach and told him I was a big fan and it was great to meet him. What other record store does something like this happen? Nowhere! One of my favorite things is finding a great new cd and listening to it on the way home from Amoeba while cruising on Mullholland Drive. The great music I've found there has got me through some tough times, and being able to sell my unwanted used cd's to Amoeba has also helped get me through some tough times. Amoeba Rocks!

nica gurevitch
nica gurevitch

Amoeba was my first love and everything- from a moping teenager in the streets of SF in the Height District- I got lost there for hours on in- to the point where my folks were ready to send search and rescue- Amoeba opened up my sphere to ALL music all things great that perpetuate to make my veins pump with joy- the numerous times I have been literally schooled by the impromptu visit by everyone from DJ Shadow, Cut Chemist, Gossip, Kid Koala, Unkle, you name it- Amoeba breaks my brain- not only creatively- but what an outlet for my brain to spin out of control and motivate me in ways I did not know possible- Thank you Amoeba for building my continuum of knowledge! :)

Charles Stephanski
Charles Stephanski

I have always found the greatest LP's / cassettes / Cd's when ever I search the racks in SF , when ever someone says "What would you like for Father's Day/Your birthday/christmas" , I ask for an AMOEBA gift certificate, and still talk about the Live Elvis Costello show where I ran into old pals and had a great time.

I love amoeba so much. The first time I set foot there was when I was thirteen. I remember I needed to get the rites of spring album, which at the time was hard to find. Anyway, I was thrilled when I saw it Stare right at me saying "buy me" which of course I did. I like that Amoeba has a lot of undiscovered bands nobodys even heard of. I recently purchased the only two "LOVVERS" CDS left, and I was also there to see "the drums" play. The staff is great, and a friend of my step dads works there. He taught me how to play guitar. Everytime I'm in the hollywood area I always stop by to Buy movies, cds. And even posters.

Adam Grab
Adam Grab

I can say in full honesty that Amoeba has been a consistent cure for depression. Almost a year ago, my mom fell and broke her fibula. After driving her to the Kaiser Sunset emergency room at 3 am, and subsequently missing two tests I had that day, I was exhausted and aggravated. Luckily, my mom had a book with her she wanted to finish, and suggested that I go to Amoeba while she read in the car. So thank you Amoeba; nothing is as uplifting and invigorating as getting my fingers dusty on your rows and rows of $1 vinyl.