Our Customers

What are customers saying about us? Well, have a look. Bellow you will find testimonials and feedback from different Amoeba Customers.

Cat Galloway

You guys are one of the best music places in the world! Coming from Sydney Australia, Amoeba is always the highlight of a trip to the Bay Area. AWESOME STUFF!

Scott Coldren

I live on the East Coast & only get out to the Bay Area every few years when I can. One of the most important things to do when I'm out there is to go to Amoeba Music. It's **THE BEST** music store on the planet!

juan castillo
juan castillo

i moved out of los angeles about a year ago and just recently went back to visit family and for some much needed vacation time. not until moving did i realize how much amoeba music really means to me. put it this way to move from ca to ia, with no really indie hip hop music provider around here, my knees buckled when i walked back into the hollywood store. like the saying goes back in l.a....ca,allll ddaayyy!

Sandy C

I still remember the day they close down my favorite bowling joint, but it's cool cause they brought in something better... Music!!! I can spend my whole day there... Now that I moved to chicago, I can't find anything that can compare to that!!! Amoeba ! Please come out this way, I am in desperate need in the best deal in music.

Marie Pruitt

I came to LA all the way from Indianapolis Indiana. I met someone from LA on MySpace and they said go to Amoeba. I walked in and I was immediately blown away. Found rare items you can't find even on eBay and for way less. Definitely worth the trip and can hardly wait to come back. I travel to LA a couple of times a year and plan on making this a must stop every time! Thanks Rob! Marie

jessica gonzalez

I am in love WITH AMOEBA!!! i love that right when u walk into the store u r greeted befor u walk past the cashiers. and i love that they have EVERYTHING!!!!! if im looking for a movie or a certain cd or anything, they have it and its cheap and i love that i can listen to what i am going to buy before buying it.. and i just love it and i hope it NEVER leaves cause me as a MUSIC GOD i would not be compleat without it and ive been going there ever since i was 6 years old.. so we have a long RELATIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!!! LOL..

Susana Rivera
Susana Rivera

I LOVE Amoeba!! I have gone to all 3 store and I can spend hours just looking around. The people that work there are always friendly and it's just a great atmosphere. I love that there is music from all over the world. it's just great!!

Tony Meagher

I live in Orange County and I think Amoeba Records is the best record store. Most music that I listen to you can't get at a mainstream record store. Amoeba Records has the most underground Black Metal and Industrial-EBM music Anywhere. I just wish that you would open up an Amoeba record store here in Orange County.


When will you get your online store going for those of us who moved from California and miss you dearly?? You're the only reason we ever visit Hollywood Damn it!


The best music spot there is! Period. Look out now!