Amoeba hollywood Staff

Confessions of a Knife (LP)

My Life With the Thrill Kill

An electronic milestone. These guys were masters in the art of sampling. Every song is killer, especially the first two.

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One of my top-ten favorite albums. Recently re-released on LP. I'm not a huge shoegaze guy, but this thing is monumental.

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The Envoy (EP)

Warren Zevon

Warren deserves more love, especially this album. The title track is one of the greatest rock songs of all time.

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From Scream Factory. Overlooked slasher film blessed with a smart script and confident direction from Geoffrey Wright (Romper Stomper). Easily the best flick that emerged from the post-Scream genre boom. It beats Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Urban Legend, Valentine, all of 'em. The cast does great work, particularly Brittany Murphy as the unusually strong heroine, and Ken Selden's dialogue is razor-sharp. Even Jay Mohr comes off well. It's an artful, darkly funny sleeper that ranks alongside the classics. The script was first sent to David Lynch, who loved it but declined because he was gearing up to make Mulholland Drive.

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All three films in this series were recently given the deluxe treatment by Vinegar Syndrome, but I'm really only recommending the first. Pretentiously silly as it is, The Prophecy is more intelligent and ambitious than your average wide-release horror flick. The story is a bit jumbled (incorporating Native American religious rituals into a Bible-based narrative is an odd choice) but it's always compelling and impeccably cast. Walken and Stoltz are both perfect. They - and other actors like Elias Koteas and Virginia Madsen - make all this hokey nonsense 100% convincing. Widen directs with a sure hand, striking a pleasant tone and maintaining it well; he takes himself seriously but never grows ponderous and successfully incorporates a large amount of dark humor. This is a very funny movie, and not unintentionally. Walken fucking kills it. Hilarious and menacing at the same time. You'll have no problem believing he's been walking the earth for centuries. I saw The Prophecy in the theater when I was nine and loved it. Nice to see that it more-or-less holds up. I found myself saying, "damn, that was pretty cool" a lot more than expected. Viggo Mortensen as Satan chowing down on desert flowers? It's easy to see why this has developed a cult following over time.

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Gritty guerilla filmmaking at its finest, vicious exploitation that plays it 100% straight, a minor masterpiece of manic shot-on-16mm madness with enough verve and beautifully choreographed violence for ten big budget Hollywood action flicks. The hyperactive gore of Evil Dead meets the street gang mayhem of The Warriors, and it's better than both. The coolest. No film collection should be without it.

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Amoeba Hollywood

into the blue (LP)

aaron frazer

lives outgrown (LP)

beth gibbons

deadly struggle (LP)

public acid

bloodstains (LP)


mindfuck ultra (LP)


hellbent (LP)


behind the concrete veil (LP)

lost legion

with every passing moment (LP)

time x heist

reasonless hate


malignant existence (LP)

reek minds
Joe B
Amoeba Hollywood

Land of Sleeper (LP)

Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs
Heavy uptempo doom metal with echoing voices throughout every song that send you on a nice little trip through the cosmos. Read more

Thrones (LP)

In your face uptempo metal with duel guitars blasting your ear drums. For fans of Motorhead, Thin Lizzy, and cool stuff. Read more
Connery McGrath
Amoeba Hollywood

Hello! I am Connery :)

Re.sort (LP)

A glitchy and sunny paradise. This record makes me feel like a fish in a digital ocean; an ocean so vibrant,textured, and filled with many little details. It’s Interesting how it sounds so natural yet is made with digital parts. One of my favorite records I found this year Read more

Submarine (LP)

The Marías
I’ve been following The Marías since their debut EPs ‘Superclean Vol I & II’ I’ve been addicted to their sound ever since. Submarine, their second LP, does not disappoint. Hauntingly ethereal vocals with tight dreamy indie instrumentals make for one of my favorite pop/rock records of the year Read more